Holistic Education
Elementary School
Admissions, Tuition
and Scholarships
To apply for admission, an application will
need to be completed, and a meeting will need to occur between
you and your child, and the school administration. In this way,
we all get to know each other and establish whether the school
is right for the child.
Tuition and Scholarships
The annual tuition at the Holistic Education
Elementary School is being planned at $7,000.
Scholarships will be available on an as-needed
basis, with a formal financial aid application process for determining
the level of need for each family. Given the importance of diversity
within holistic schools, we want to do all that we can to make
this type of education accessible to all children.
All costs for field trips, materials and
supplies, as well as Out-of-Class Learning activities will be
included in the tuition.
for yourself...
This school is currently in the planning
and development stage. If you would like more information
about the status of our planning or how to get involved with
funding and development, please call us at 503-252-1946, or
contact us by email