Holistic Education, Inc.
About Us
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Our Mission
The mission of Holistic Education, Inc. is to help people develop their individual strengths and capacities to the fullest possible extent through holistic education.
To support this mission we will:
- Promote and encourage educational activities, such as K-12 schools that are wanting to incorporate more holistic elements,
- Develop holistic education theory and practice, through such things as research and innovative initiatives, and
- Disseminate holistic education practice and theory through such things as writing, lecturing, or teacher development programs.
The highest function
of education
is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with
life as a whole.
-J. Krishnamurti

Book Review by
Patricia English:
"a touchstone for all those...who dare to believe that education, in the fullest and deepest sense of that word, can lead to the awakening of true human intelligence."
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