Holistic Education, Inc.
Staff Profiles
Dr. Scott H. Forbes, Executive Director
Teacher Educator
Scott guides the development of Holistic Education, Inc. and heads the Holistic Education Research Unit. Scott received his Doctorate in education from The University of Oxford. His intellectual work in Holistic Education has been published as Holistic Education: An Analysis of Its Ideas and Nature (2003, Foundation for Educational Renewal). He has worked in the field of Holistic Education for thirty years. For 20 of those years (10 as principal), Scott taught at the Brockwood Park Krishnamurti Educational Center in England, a holistic international boarding school.
Dr. Robin Ann Martin, Researcher & School Consultant
Robin acts as a consultant for school program research, and educational proposals and grant writing. She currently manages networking and administrative details for Holistic Education, Inc., along with continuing to synthesize research in the field. Robin is the creator of the Paths of Learning online resource center, as well having worked for over a decade in the development of innovative learning initiatives nationwide. Her particular interests are in deepening teacher inquiry about meta-learning and self-development within holistic and progressive schools in the United States. Robin completed her doctorate from Iowa State University with a focus on teacher development for holistic education.
Dr. Isabelle Brent, Researcher
Isabelle completed her MSc and her doctorate from The University of Oxford, and her undergraduate work at The University of Cambridge. Her training and expertise in Educational Research (especially qualitative methods) and her knowledge of the social implications of educational issues is invaluable. Isabelle had previously worked on broadening access to higher education for underprivileged students.
The highest function
of education
is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with
life as a whole.
-J. Krishnamurti

Book Review by
Patricia English:
"a touchstone for all those...who dare to believe that education, in the fullest and deepest sense of that word, can lead to the awakening of true human intelligence."
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