Teacher Development Program

This program is currently being developed in Portland, Oregon, in coordination with the planning of our elementary school. In the meantime, you may read An Overview for Teachers, to learn more about the entire field of Holistic Education.


Courses Offered

The courses offered cover the topics of both Action Research and Holistic Education. Participants in the program are entitled to choose any four courses. It is assumed that participants will want to choose courses that most closely address their research process concerns or the nature of their research interests. Any number of additional courses may be taken for an extra fee. As most of the participants will be practicing teachers, the courses will be held as week-end seminars. Participants will need to be present for the full two days (eight hours each) of the seminars if they wish to receive credit.

Courses having to do with Action Research:

  • Research Question Formation, and 'Action' Planning - To help refine and develop good research questions, and plan an initial cycle of 'action'.
  • Data Collection - To explore the different kinds of data, and suggest strategies for collecting such data with benefits and difficulties attendant to each.
  • Data Analysis and Structured Reflection - To investigate different approaches for analyzing data, and engage in structured reflection--individually as well as collaboratively.
  • Writing Up Research and Literature Review - To assist with the process of writing up a research project for academic acceptance or general presentation, and to help participants locate and interpret research on their topic written by others.

Courses having to do with Holistic Education:

  • The Goal of Holistic Education - To examine the principal elements in various forms of "Ultimacy," and its implications for education.
  • Experiential Learning - To distinguish experiential learning from conceptual learning, and to understand the implication and consequences of each.
  • Competence in Holistic Education - To explore notions of competence as promoted in past and present forms of Holistic Education.
  • Working with Aspects of Students that Facilitate the Needed Learning - To understand Holistic Education's perspective on the nature of humans as expressed in the young.
  • The Learning Process and Pedagogic Relationships in Holistic Education - To understand how these are distinct from their counterparts in mainstream education.
  • History of Holistic Education - To explore the intellectual precedents of Holistic Education and examine the elements of some popular forms.

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The highest function
of education
is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable of dealing with life
as a whole.

-J. Krishnamurti

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