Research Unit
The Holistic Education Research Unit conducts
academic research into many areas of holistic education, working
in coordination with others in this field.
The Unit completed its first full length study
of 72 schools and programs across the United States and Canada
in 2004. We collected information about unique K-12 schools and
programs that call themselves "holistic" or that have
core elements which could be described as "holistic."
The discipline of Discourse Analysis was then employed to develop
a better understanding of the varying complexities and expressions
of Holistic Education as it now exists. A 26-page report this
research project can be downloaded from:
Please contact us
with any questions or inquiries about this or other projects in
the field of holistic education.
Our practice and research has built on the
work of Dr. Scott H. Forbes whose doctoral dissertation in Holistic
Education was completed at The University of Oxford. This research
provides an analysis of the intellectual and sociological precedents
for Holistic Education, and offers guidance and grounding for
framing research projects in this field. A summary of Forbes's
work is now available through his book Holistic
Education: An Analysis of Its Ideas and Nature.
highest function
of education
is to bring about an integrated individual who is capable
of dealing with
life as a whole.

Book Review
Patricia English:
"a touchstone for all those...who dare to believe that
education, in the fullest and deepest sense of that word, can
lead to the awakening of true human intelligence."